Table of Contents
We value your contribution as a member of the audience. Our goal is that you will be able to find the people you wish to find, talk with them about what you want to talk to, and get the answers you seek at RE'19. We also hope that you will help make this a better conference for everyone involved. Remember that your question may be the most important question asked at the entire conference.
Before the Conference
Prepare yourself
There is a long list of great papers accepted for the conference. Browse through the list and see if there are any papers in particular that catches your fancy. Match those papers with the sessions in which they will appear, and plan your conference experience accordingly.
Prepare an Elevator Pitch
Creating an Elevator Pitch is one way in which you can prepare to communicate about yourself, your company, your problem, your research idea, or your question.
Keep an eye on Social Media
Keep an eye on the conference web page and twitter (@ieee_re, #RE19) for conference news.
At the Conference
Enjoy yourself!
You are surrounded by researchers and industry practitioners that want nothing more than talk about their research and their companies with you, and discuss your company, research, or research idea with you.
Attend sessions
We know that Jeju Island, South Korea in September is a beautiful place with plenty of things to do. We also know that the conference, and the paper sessions will be even more interesting. Why not stay a couple of days extra instead?
Meet new people
You are probably already in continuous contact with the people you already know. Take this opportunity to meet new friends during lunches and coffee breaks.
During Sessions
Help the presenters
Close your laptop, mute your phone, and listen to what they have to say. If the presenters open up for discussions or questions, play along and participate.
Ask your questions
During the Q&A after the presentation, don't hesitate to ask your questions. If you are too intimidated to ask it in person, perhaps the session chair has provided other channels (e.g. through social media) to ask it. Perhaps you can approach the authors after the session and strike up a conversation over lunch, coffee, or between sessions?
Ask your questions loudly and clearly; the most common complaint from Q&A sessions is that the audience cannot hear the questions. You can avoid this by posing a concise question in a loud voice. The session chair will repeat the question for you as well.
Be consise
The Q&A session is usually too short for any lengthy discussion; for these it might be better to approach the presenters after the session. Let other people ask their questions as well.
After Sessions
See At the Conference, item #1.